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You are viewing 1 post for June 2016 with the tag Board of Governors

Board of Governors Announces Plans for the Future

websitecwmp ncc gf at ncc 1

websitecwmp ncc gf at ncc 1

Back row: Ed W. Clark, Superintendent, Gettysburg National Military Park
Mark Bender, CWMP Board; Craig Bashein, Gettysburg Foundation Board; Robert Kinsley, Chair, Gettysburg Foundation Board; Sharon Smith, President, CWMP; Joanne Hanley, President, Gettysburg Foundation; Jeffrey Rosen, President, National Constitution Center; and Oliver St. Clair Franklin, Chair, CWMP Board

The leadership of the Civil War Museum, the Gettysburg Foundation, the Gettysburg National Military Park, and the National Constitution Center met in the Signers Gallery at NCC after working on plans to develop a partnership. The outline of the final plan will transfer the CWMP collection to the Gettysburg Foundation and support NCC’s efforts to develop a new exhibit on the Civil War and the Constitution.